This message is from Bob Kierstead, president of the RNBRA
Greetings Fellow Shooters
We have enjoyed some really great weather in New Brunswick recently, and what better way to enjoy great weather then on a shooting range.
The RNBRA Smallbore Prone Rifle Championship is being held Saturday June 1st, 2013 on the Fredericton Recreation Shooting Association range near Mactaquac ( Springfield Range).
Attached are the shoot details and directions to the range.
click here for shoot details
click here for directions to the range
Those who have visited the Fredericton Recreation Shooting Association facility know the impressive facility which has ranges from 25 meters all the way out to 1000 meters. The Smallbore shoot will be shot under a covered firing point so weather will not be an issue.
RNBRA encourages the participation of young shooters - at the championship last year a 17 year old shooter, James B., won the standing event with an impressive performance outshooting all the senior experienced shooters. We encourage you to come and enjoy the shoot and bring a young shooter with you - bring a son / daughter / nephew / niece / grandchild or any interested youth. Please circulate this message to the shooters in your club and encourage them to join shooters from around the province for this shoot.
We are all part of a great fraternity, the fraternity of target shooters, so lets get together to enjoy our sport together.
See you on the range - Good Shooting
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Saturday, May 18, 2013
The annual RNBRA Smallbore Modified Target Rifle shoot was held in Woodstock at the Woodstock Rifle and Pistol Club Range. The day started out beautifully with variable cloudiness that turned into full sun and hardly any wind that turned into very light (5 - 10 km/h) winds as the day progressed. The winds were variable as well with some flags showing South while others showed North winds - quite tricky!
The shooting platforms were under the big tent which made conditions somewhat more stable and allowed us to look from shade to sun.
contact if there are any errors
There was also a "Crowbar Shoot" in which any-old rifle with maximum 4 power scope or open sights could be shot. Not all competitors chose to shoot this match. The results for the matches are as follows:
Senior MTR Junior MTR Senior Crowbar Junior Crowbar
Conrad L. - 575 Emily D. - 563 Bert deV. - 166 Samantha T. - 90
Bill H. - 574 Sarah H. - 551 Conrad L. - 136 Katelyn T. - 88
Bert deV. - 567 James B. - 540 Bill H. - 135 James B. - 44
Norbert S. - 554 Sam T. - 538 Norbert S. - 84
Ash P. - 510 Stephanie T. - 467
Katelyn T. - 440
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Luckily the rain held off until the 600 meter range was shot but the weather remained cloudy and damp throughout the entire match. There was almost no wind today.
We thank the base for making some good improvements to the backstops and the roadway which made our day all the more enjoyable.
Ten shooters were present and we were glad to welcome Kevin Gallavin, a new shooter to our midst.
Daniel Chisholm's electronic target scoring system was used on 2 targets. It worked very well and the shooting progressed at a brisk pace.
RESULTS: 300m 500m 600m Aggregate
TR Class
Daniel Chisholm 48.05 50.08 48.07 146.20
Alex Hamel 48.03 49.03 49.07 146.13
Mike Lutes 42.03 46.01 48.03 136.07
MTR Class
Paul McIlveen 50.07 50.02 49.08 149.23We thank the base for making some good improvements to the backstops and the roadway which made our day all the more enjoyable.
Ten shooters were present and we were glad to welcome Kevin Gallavin, a new shooter to our midst.
Daniel Chisholm's electronic target scoring system was used on 2 targets. It worked very well and the shooting progressed at a brisk pace.
RESULTS: 300m 500m 600m Aggregate
TR Class
Daniel Chisholm 48.05 50.08 48.07 146.20
Alex Hamel 48.03 49.03 49.07 146.13
Mike Lutes 42.03 46.01 48.03 136.07
MTR Class
Brian Doherty 50.07 50.05 49.06 149.18
FTR Class
Conrad Leroux 50.09 50.10 50.05 150.24
Paul Bastarache 50.10 50.08 50.04 150.22
John Holleran 50.08 50.07 49.05 149.20
Moe Bennett 50.06 50.06 48.03 148.15
Kevin Gallavin 50.05 46.05 50.05 146.15
(note V-bulls indicated by decimal scores)
contact if there are any errors
Friday, May 10, 2013
It has been 3 years on May 10th that Daniel Chisholm started this web-site/blog as an aide to communication among Fullbore shooters in New Brunswick. Thanks Daniel - I don't know what you had in mind at the time but hope that the blog is doing all it was intended to do.
Since the beginning, lots of interesting things have been posted and the blog has become a running history of Fullbore shooting in New Brunswick as well as a place to find information, schedules and links to other sites related to the shooting we do. We post brief results of our matches and some pictures of our shooters in and out of action - all in good fun! We also try to post results of matches in our sister provinces and on the national level.
The blog has generated some interest in Canada, the USA and several other countries around the world. Here are some statistics about the number of times the blog was read by people in other countries - (total = 9640 "pageviews"):
Russia - 405 Germany - 205
United Kingdom - 61 France - 42
Latvia - 28 Taiwan - 24
Australia - 17 China - 16
India - 15 Ukraine - 7
Romania - 4 Phillipines - 4
Italy - 4 Georgia - 3
Turkey - 3 Hungary - 2
Poland - 2 Thailand - 2
Nigeria - 2 Japan - 2
Portugal - 1 Sweden - 1
Spain - 1 Ireland - 1
The most popular and most read posts have been the Annual Provincial Prize Meets for the Maritime Provinces with PEIRA leading the pack with the most "hits". The RNBRA and NSRA follow close behind. Readers have also been very interested in the Inter-Maritime and British Team Match posts, the World F-Class announcements and then in a variety of specific matches.
In the next 3 years we hope to have 3 times as much fun shooting and many more shooters enjoying our sport - a main goal should be to bring young shooters into the sport. We, given the apparent attitude of the general public toward firearms and shooting sports, also need to visibly re-affirm our sport as the honourable discipline it has always been and as a good place for our youth to be.
We hope for many more members/followers to sign up on the blog and also that readers will use the "comment" section and make the blog more interactive.
contact if there are any errors
In the next 3 years we hope to have 3 times as much fun shooting and many more shooters enjoying our sport - a main goal should be to bring young shooters into the sport. We, given the apparent attitude of the general public toward firearms and shooting sports, also need to visibly re-affirm our sport as the honourable discipline it has always been and as a good place for our youth to be.
We hope for many more members/followers to sign up on the blog and also that readers will use the "comment" section and make the blog more interactive.
contact if there are any errors
The results are as follows:
Match Rifle - Prone Sporting Rifle - Prone
Jeff Jenkins 579-21x /gold Bob Collicutt 593-32x
Andrew Vaughan 553-9x Jim Humphrey 580-20x
Peter Dobson 541-8x
Bob Collicutt 580-23x /gold Dave Grantham 510-10x
Al Mutch 578-26x /silver Jim Humphrey 500-8x
Dave Beaulieu 575-14x /bronze
Sonny Desrosiers 569-21x Practical Rifle - Prone
Al Mutch 578-26x /silver Jim Humphrey 500-8x
Dave Beaulieu 575-14x /bronze
Sonny Desrosiers 569-21x Practical Rifle - Prone
Glen Gorveatte 567-11x Al Mutch 562-15x
Denise Desrosiers 455-2x Patrick Stanbrook 535-8x
Practical Rifle - 3 Position
Monday, May 6, 2013
This was absolutely the most gorgeous and beautiful day of the year. As the following pictures show, the temperature was somewhere around 22 degrees with no cloud in the sky. The wind, when it was noticeable, was a slight whisper. Spring sounds and smells pleased the senses - it was a good day to be on the range.
This day was hosted by the Saint-Antoine Gun Club. Michelle C. and Ron S. were the Range Officers for this event while Daniel C. was the Match Director. Daniel C. also was the Instructor. Eleven shooters were on hand from all over the province. Everyone had a tremendous time.
"It's really quite simple - if you squeeze the trigger a hole will appear in the bull. You look on your screen for your score. And no! No extra points if you shoot the microphones." |

After careful observation, I believe the real question is -
"Is it possible to shoot a possible with this gizmo?"
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