Following the Saint Gabriel Match, the Fullbore Executive convened a meeting to discuss several issues as reported below. In attendance were Mike Lutes, Daniel Chisholm, Conrad Leroux and Bert deVink.
1. TROPHIES: It was reported by Conrad that some of the Fullbore trophies that were formerly stored at the Base Museum are presently in his and Murray Watts' basements. The Museum is less eager than in years past, because of lack of space, to house our trophies. Conrad recommended that we look for other storage options including the old YMCA in Fredericton which will rent a 10'x10' room for $150 plus parking fee of $25 (total $175 per month). About 1/2 of the trophies are Fullbore Trophies and all are the property of the RNBRA. Mike stated that the RNBRA is also paying for storage for its files and these items should be combined and brought to the RNBRA Board.
2. MTR MATCH IN WOODSTOCK - MAY 30, 2015: Conrad mentioned that this match is advertised as a MTR/Sporter match and asked when the TR portion of the RNBRA Smallbore Championship would be held. It is our understanding that this year all classes of the Smallbore Championship will be shot in Woodstock on the 30th of May. Bert will send a notice clarifying this issue to all members. (Done - there will be 3 Classes for Senior and for Junior shooters. These include Scoped Target Rifle - MTR, Non-scoped Target Rifle - TR, and Sporter Rifle which may be scoped or not depending on the shooter's preference. In order to form a Class there must be 3 or more shooters in it.).
3. FULLBORE TRUST FUND INVESTMENTS: Bert updated the Executive on the status of the Trust Fund Investments. At present, we are waiting for some recommendations from the bank and will be in touch with the RNBRA Treasurer when this is complete. Investments will be 1/2 growth and 1/2 secure/conservative oriented.
4. E-TARGET MARKERS: Daniel stated that as we regularly use 3 e-target markers for our matches, we need to make a decision about either purchasing another marker or renting from Silver Mountain Targets. Another system would cost about $3000 and a $1500 down payment with periodic payments to follow would be acceptable. Alternatively, a rental fee of $10 per shooter/per target system will apply to any rentals we make.
Moved: Gordon Holloway/ Seconded: Mike Lutes
That, once we have an updated financial statement and have had a trial with the Generation II Marking System, we lease-to-own another system from Silver Mountain Targets. This will involve a down payment of $1500. Until this decision is made final, we continue to rent at the above rates.
Motion adopted unanimously with Daniel abstaining due to a conflict of interest.
Regular members present were also in agreement.
5. AMORTIZATION OF E-TARGET MARKERS: As adopted at our Annual Meeting of 2014, we will set aside $10 per shooter after each match in order to be able to replace our e-target markers when this becomes necessary. Maintenance and upgrades of the software is not included in this.
6. SAINT GABRIEL 600 MATCH + FINANCES PERTAINING TO THE MATCH: We thank the members of the Saint Gabriel Range for hosting a really excellent match on their beautiful range. Paul Bastarache reported that a total of $325 was realised today and that Saint Gabriel would only need $40 of this to replace targets etc. The $125 that would normally have been their share of the proceeds is being donated to the Fullbore Section by the Saint Gabriel Range. We thank Paul, JC and other members for their very generous donation. The Fullbore Section realised a net gain of $245 (after $40 rental was paid to Silver Mountain Targets).
G.H. (Bert) deVink
Chairman-RNBRA Fullbore Section