The "All-Comers Match", which had been scheduled for August the 28th and cancelled, was shot at the Saint Antoine Gun Club ranges this past Saturday. The Match Director and RO for this match was Ron Surette. This match was shot at 300, 500, and 600m - 2 sighters plus 10 on score.
The prizes for this match were donated by Al Lockett through his generous gift of the Al Lockett Prize Trust fund for Fullbore Shooting.
Michelle Cormier - 48V4, 48V5, 48V2 = 144V11
Ron Surette - 48V4, 49V2, 45.3 = 142V9
Ken Geddes - 42V2, 43V2, 47V3 = 132V7
Adam MacDonald - 47V3, 50V6, 50V2 = 147V11
Maurice Bennett - 50V3, 48V5, 45V4 = 143V12
Harrison Brown - 45V3, 49V6, 45V2 = 139V11
The Atlantic Championships were shot in PEI at the Alexandra Ranges under the capable direction of Chuck Bachmanek and the PEIRA. Many thanks to them for hosting an enjoyable and successful event.
Here is a link to the results: RESULTS - ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS - 2016