The venue alternates yearly between an American location and a Canadian one - this year it was in New Brunswick and next year it will be held in the USA.
The Canadian/Maritime ProvincesTeam for 2013:
Captain, Coach and TR Shooter John Marshall,
Other Coaches and TR Shooters were Ian Hogg and Daniel Chisholm,
Other TR Shooters were Don Coleman, Jeff Jenkins, Marcel Kolb, and Ron Surette,
The Alternate TR Shooter was Conrad Leroux,
The FTR Shooters were Paul Bastarache, Bert deVink and Michael Lutes.
The American/New England States Team for 2013:
Captain, Coach and TR Shooter Ron Sekellick,
Other Coaches and TR SHooters were Jeff Cutlip, Pete Desantis, John Field, Ron Ouimette, Larry Racine, and Bob Riel,
Other Coaches and FTR Shooters were Mo DeFina, Bob Leach and Larry Piazza.
1. Overall Results
Maritime provinces Team - 2282V103
800 M - 781V46; 900 M - 751V34; 900 M - 750V23
New England Team - 2241V126
800 M - 757V44; 900 M - 746V42; 900 M - 738V40
2. TR Results
New England Team - 1538V126
Maritime Provinces Team - 1522V103
3. FTR Results (V=6)
Maritime Provinces Team - 760
New England Team - 703
The weather was beautiful with lots of sun, some cloud and no sign of rain - all-in-all a fine day for a shoot. The wind was very tricky at times and cost many shooters a point or two but even so some very good scores were posted.
A Match like this requires a lot of work on the part of many people in order to make it a good experience. The following people, plus those who worked behind the scenes, all volunteers, deserve a tremendous vote of thanks.
- Thanks are due to the two Captains Ron Sekellick and John Marshall for their coordinating efforts.
- Match Director, Daniel Chisholm, did a lion's share of work setting up and maintaining his electronic scoring system, organizing the match, coaching and shooting - and. . . . . . cooking chili (which was very good!).
- The range, which is cut out of the woods, needed a lot of preparation and Daniel along with John Holleran, Michael Lutes and Jeff Seely did a marvelous job ensuring that the sight lines were clear and mounds neatly trimmed.
- Lunch at the range was organized by Conrad Leroux and enjoyed by all.
- During the shoot several people devoted their time to score for the other team - the New England Team was scored by two fine Acadian Ladies - Michelle Cormier and her friend France Bourgeois. The Maritime Provinces Team was scored by two excellent gentlemen from Massachusetts - Jeff Cutlip and John Fields.
- Range Officer duties during the match was shared by Michael Lutes and Bert deVink.
- Michelle Cormier also did the excellent photography.
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