frames and number boards to be transported to the butts. Daniel Chisholm was in charge of setting up electronic targets and these were calibrated while shooters started to arrive. Team meetings, the range safety briefing and an electronic target briefing later,
That evening we all gathered for the traditional banquet at "le Paysan". The results were announced and the beautiful old "Intermaritime Cup" was transfered from Nova Scotia to the safekeeping of New Brunswick.

As can be seen in the results below, some extremely fine shooting took place on Saturday. Congratulations go to Team New Brunswick, which finished the day with a score of 881V40. Team Nova Scotia came in second with a score of 871V49 while Team PEI came in third with a score of 814V25. Congratulations also go to Marcel Kolb who was high TR shooter with a perfect score of 105V13 and to Paul Bastarache who was high FTR shooter with a perfect score of 126.
Ron Surette - 103V9
Don Coleman - 103V7
Mike Lutes - 103V7
Conrad Leroux - 99V5
Paul Bastarache - 126
Bert deVink - 125
Gordon Holloway - 119
Marcel Kolb - 105V13
John Marshall - 104V12
Ray Smeltzer - 103V11
Barry Langille - 103V8
Peter Dobson - 93V5
Ken Ferguson - 124
Bill Giles - 120
Sonny Desrosiers - 119
Mitch MacLeod - 101V10
Edgar Poirier - 98V4
Chuck Bachmanek - 96V5
Nancy Bourgeois - 96V5
Glenn Craig - 72V1
J.C. Gautreau - 124
Francis Bezeau - 122
Bob Barwise - 105
The British Team Match consisted of 2+10 at 300m, 500m, and 600m with the same team members, coaches, scorers and Ron Surette was the RSO for this day as well.
Lunch was a special treat as it was a great barbeque organized by Michelle Cormier and prepared by the best AND the best looking cooks in the Saint Antoine area who called themselves - wait for it - (gulp) - "The BBQ Bitches". After the match a tired bunch of people went to the club house for the results and final farewells.
Darlene B., Murielle L., and France B. |
Congratulations were extended to Team New Brunswick which won the match with a score of 1254V68. Nova Scotia came in second with a score of 1242V62 while Prince Edward Island came in third with a score of 1052V31. The high TR shooter again was Marcel Kolb with a perfect 150V17 although John Marshall was hard on his heels with a perfect 150V15. In the FTR class Ken Ferguson and Bert deVink tied for high score of 179.
Don Coleman - 149V15
Ron Surette - 148V14
Dan Chisholm - 146V12
Mike Lutes - 144V14
Conrad Leroux - 142V13
Bert deVink - 179
Paul Bastarache - 177
Gordon Holloway - 169
Marcel Kolb - 150V17
John Marshall - 150V15
Ray Smeltzer - 148V14
Barry Langille - 146V11
Peter Dobson - 133V5
Ken Ferguson - 179
Bill Giles - 175
Sonny Desrosiers - 161
Mitch MacLeod - 134V12
Nancy Bourgeois - 132V4
Chuck Bachmanek - 127V3
Edgar Poirier - 123V7
Glenn Craig - 92V1
J.C. Gautreau - 172
Bob Barwise - 141
Hope to see you all in 2015 in Prince Edward Island !
Awesome to discover this blog. Love seeing all the pics and scores from Dad (Barry)