John Marshall - Team Captain, Coach and TR shooter
Michael Lutes - Coach and TR shooter
Marcel Kolb - TR shooter
Conrad Leroux - TR shooter
Armen Papasyan - FTR shooter
Paul Bastarache - FTR shooter
Adam MacDonald - FTR shooter
Congratulations go to the Maritime Provinces Mini-Palma Team which won the Match - with a narrow margin! Also congratulations to Paul Bastarache who was the top FTR shooter.
Here is the write up by Jim Hahn, Captain of the New England Team:
"Well, the Canadians did it again. They beat the New England states. Not by much, but they did it! They were last seen trudging away gleefully from the banquet, trophy in hand.
As the Maritime Provinces were not able to field a full team, a percentage system was used to determine the winner.
96.55% Canada and 96.38% USA
The folks in the USA thank the Canadians for coming and look forward to more years of competition.
High individual sling/iron sights shooter was John Field from Massachusetts with a score of 595-31X. Second was junior shooter Nash Neubauer from Connecticut coming in with a 595-25X. Pretty good for a kid, huh? John takes home the High Individual trophy.
Canadian Paul Bastarache's 584-25X took F-Class followed by Ralph Tufano (Massachusetts) with a 584-23X. Ouch, two X's!
Attached are a small number of photos taken at the match and banquet. The score sheet is easily readable. We are looking for a way to make all the photos available on the Internet and will let folks know when we figure it out. My thanks to my wife for taking the photos and helping with match and banquet operations.
I also need to thank Ralph Tufano for his help. He did all the work providing targets and target markers/pullers. I could not have done it without his many hours of work behind the scenes.
Also thanks to Ralph and Mo DeFina for direct financial donations. Plus a very special thanks to Charlie Trickett, High Power Director at Reading Rifle for providing the venue.
The match was held at Reading Rifle and Revolver Club in Reading, MA, USA on 20 September 2014. Weather was cool in the early morning but getting up to the upper 60's (that's Fahrenheit) by mid-day. Light winds and partly cloudy.
Thanks to all and see you next year!!
--Jim Hahn"
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