The session was well attended with Adam MacDonald, Conrad Leroux, Harrison Brown, Gord Holloway, Mark McMullin, Mike Connell, Ken Geddes, Roly Trainor, Tanner Anderson, Joey Anderson, Ron Mason and Matt Wolf present.
Today went very well. We did something a little different - focusing on training for wind reading. On one target, Adam fired 3 strings of 15 while 3 or 4 people worked together to read the wind/mirage and coach as a group. It was an excellent way to share strategy and opened eyes to methods of interpreting and understanding the wind, with immediate feedback on each decision since the rifle was performing very well.
The third target was a free for all, where everyone got a chance to shoot and try it for themselves.

On another target, Gordon Holloway walked a group through plotting electronically, focusing on how to use it, centering, and also wind adjustments, while single shooters took turns.

I believe this was much more useful as a learning experience than shooting by yourself would be. Training days are very important as we all have a lot to learn from each other and the more we work as a team, the more we all improve.
The wind started out weak, and the rain came in around 11:00am. We shot through it somewhat and then took a short break, but everyone was wet. After 1:00pm the sun came out and the wind became really interesting, allowing just enough mirage to tell direction and presenting a shift from 1MOAL to 1MOAR we had to stay on top of. Sometimes the flags would agree, sometimes not, and knowing when and which way to click 1/8 or 1/4 is the difference between a V and a 4.
Jamie Taylor is a new shooter just getting into fullbore coming from a cadets background years ago. He used his own TR rifle, and I loaded ammo for him as part of our 'free rifle and ammo for new shooters' program this year. He started out with a puzzling 4 minute group, but after dry firing for 20 minutes and getting back into the groove the group shrunk to almost 1 minute. We are looking forward to having him as a regular this year, and his years of experience shooting in the Ottawa Connaught wind will surely be very helpful for us all.
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