The New England shooters included Pete Desantis, Armando Coello, Larry Racine, Todd Labarge, Amanda Basso, Greg Grosso, Ron Ouimette, Ron Sekellick, Dan Sales, John Short and Wade Fillingame.
The RO for both days was Dollard LeBlanc.
As for the match itself, it went very well. Weather was perfect, we stayed on schedule, and we had almost no problems with the targets. The wind was very difficult and made for excellent competitive shooting. Special mention to Laura Kaderly who worked both days to help everyone with the tablets, manage the scorecards and results, and be everyone's first point of contact while I was coaching and shooting.
Canadian Maritime Mini-Palma Team: 2170V195
US New England States Mini-Palma Team: 2145V196
High FTR Shooter: Wade Fillingame, 221-27
High TR Shooter: Ian Hogg, 223-31
For the Sunday shoot, we had 20 shooters, most firing two strings of 20 at 900 meters.
1. Gord Holloway 191-12
2. John Short 190-9
3. Todd Labarge 184-7
1. Ron Sekellick 198-20
2. Ian Hogg 196-25
3. Dan Sales 195-18