The meeting started at 6:15pm. and ended at 9:30pm.
1. Shooter Assistance Program
2. Intermaritime/British Team Match in St. Antoine
3. Paid RSOs for major matches - Dollard LeBlanc
4. E-targets
5. Scheduling preparation for AGM
6. Target paper
7. Gate sharing with private clubs
8. Review of AGM 2016
9. Review of Executive Meetings 2017
1. Shooter Assistance Program
The RNBRA has given the Fullbore Section $3300 for our programs, based on what was submitted in the spring. Some of this will go toward assisting shooters who have represented New Brunswick Fullbore Shooting and attended high-level matches. This is based on decisions made in a previous executive meeting.
Moved by Daniel Chisholm and seconded by Don Coleman that we spend $2360 on this program. Carried unanimously.
Daniel will make out the cheques and they are to be distributed at the Fullbore AGM.
2. Intermaritime/British Team Matches in St. Antoine
Ron Surette and the Club de Tire Saint Antoine Gun Club hosted this event and in the process incured expenses that have not as yet been recuperated. Typically expenses are paid through the club's share of the gate receipts but for the IM/BT matches no fees are collected.
Moved by Daniel Chisholm and seconded by Adam MacDonald that the sum of $460 be sent to the Club de Tire St. Antoine Gun Club to retire the expenses incurred during the Intermaritime/British Team matches in 2017. Carried unanimously.
3. Paid RSO for Major Matches.
In 2017, Dollard Leblanc has provided RSO services for us to hold the IM/BT matches, the APM, the Atlantic Championships and the Sierra Bullet Match. We agree that he has done an excellent job and that these matches cannot be run well without a dedicated RSO and so we will likely want him to do this for us in 2018. Dollard has expressed a willingness to do so. We did not expect him to do the RSO at the Sierra Match and Bert deVink will contact him and Ron Surette to determine how this was arranged before we pay him for this service.
4. E-targets
We have obtained an additional e-target system which has not yet been invoiced and paid for ($1850 + cables etc. + HST).
Adam MacDonald brought up an issue with the target backing system we use and that the wind causes it to flex and distort. This is not as much of an issue for TR shooters as for the FTR shooters who work with a smaller MOA. Suggestions included additional microphones, microphones fixed to the berm in front of the targets, using smaller backers and frames and cutting holes in the target backers to allow the wind to pass through. The latter two suggestions will be tried first.
A separate issue, brought up at the Atlantic Fullbore/High-power meeting by Paul Bastarache involves competitors using the plotting screen of other shooters to watch their wind calls and thereby engage in cheating. See the minutes of this meeting.
5. Sheduling Preparation for AGM
a) Saint Antoine - During 2017 Saint Antoine hosted several matches. It was suggested that Bert deVink contact Ron Surette to see if he wants to host matches in 2018. It was mentioned that Ron likes to shoot the RCR and the Sierra Bullet matches in Saint Antoine.
b) Saint Gabriel - During 2017 Saint Gabriel hosted the St. Gabriel 600 and the Gautreau 600. We would like these to continue and would like St. Gabriel to also host the IM/BT Trials.
c) Batouche - All other matches would be shot at Batouche. It was suggested that our shooting season could be extended a bit if we booked matches from April 30ish to October 30ish including October 15th which is a day before the Atlantic Fullbore/High-power meeting. Adopted.
It was also suggested that we do the Scheduling Meeting before proceeding with AGM business. Adopted.
Another suggestion involved obtaining the Minto Ranges for a day to conduct our "Any Rifle/Any Sight" match. This shorter range (100 or 200yd) would allow sporter or hunting rifles to be more competitive, would provide a change in format and an introduction to shooting off a bench. To be considered.
It was also suggested that we consider having our AGM in the morning at the range and that we follow this with a shoot of some sort. To be considered.
Finally, it was mentioned that it is important that the first match (or two) be at short to medium ranges as many shooter have to work out "bugs" in new equipment. Adopted.
6. Target Paper
An inventory of what we have and need was done at the last match and the following are required: 3x300m bedsheets; 30x300m F-Class patches; 10x600m F-Class patches; 20xLongRange patches; scorecards.
7. Gate Sharing with Private Clubs
It has been our long-standing practice to share the gate receipts 50/50 with a hosting club. This helps to defray their expenses for target faces, frames etc. Aside from moneys received from the RNBRA, this is the only source of income for the Fullbore Section. We need to have a general discussion about this formula and whether it needs to be changed.
8. Review of AGM - 2016
Most of the business discussed at the AGM - 2016 has been completed. A list of duties of Fullbore RSOs and of Match Directors needs to be completed. The Eastern F-Class Championship Committee is now active and working on hosting these matches in New Brunswick. An additional e-target system has been purchased but still needs to be paid for.
9. Review of Executive Meetings - 2017 Term
a) October 11, 2016 - nothing pending
b) December 19, 2016 - The RNBRA has funded, with a grant of $300, Adam MacDonald's work with the "Elite Shooter Program".
c) March 25, 2017 - A $125 donation to the Canadian Bisley Team was made.
We agreed to purchase an AED device to have present at our matches. (Probably should stay at Batouche instead of bringing it around the province). The RNBRA has agreed to pay 50% of the cost of this unit up to $1500. Daniel's work to obtain it is ongoing.
d) July 18. 2017 - The entire meeting was devoted to discussing whether the Fullbore Section should host the Eastern F-Class Championships. We will indeed do this. It will be held at Batouche on June 22-24, 2018. Laura Kaderly, Adam MacDonal and Gordon Holloway are members of the committee and are looking to add others (especially those who would shoot it) who would be of assistance.
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