At this year's Annual Prize Meet of the NSRA, 24 shooters attended - 9 TR; 13 FTR and 1FO.
1. Kennedy Gold Medal Match 300
FTR - Andy Webber; TR - Marcel Kolb
2. Legion Match 500
FTR - Robert Smith; TR - Ray Smeltzer
3. Corbin 300/500/600
FTR - Mike Lutes; TR - Ray Smeltzer
4. Stanfield 300/500
FTR - Robert Smith; TR - Barry Langille
5. Higgins-Merchants 500
FTR - Dale MacLeod; TR - John Marshall
6. H.H. Morse 800
FTR - Robert Smith; TR - Marcel Kolb
7. Navy 600
FTR - Andy Webber; TR - Ray Smeltzer
8. Higgins - Brown 800
FTR - Robert Smith; TR - Barry Langille
9. MacDonald-Stewart 600/800
FTR - Ken Ferguson; TR - Marcel Kolb
1. Higgins (Friday) Aggregate
FTR - Robert Smith; TR - Ray Smeltzer
2. Zwicker (Saturday) Aggregate
FTR - Robert Smith; TR - Marcel Kolb
3. Ventham (Sunday) Aggregate
FTR - Andy Webber; TR - Ray Smeltzer
4. Elliot Challenge Cup - Short Range Aggregate
FTR - Wendy Reid; TR - Ray Smeltzer
5. M.A. Smith Memorial - 500 M Aggregate
FTR - Andy Webber; TR - Barry Langille
6. The Haley Trophy - 600M Aggregate
FTR - Ken Ferguson; TR - Ray Smeltzer
7. Secretary's Award - Long Range (800M0 Aggregate
FTR - Andy Webber; TR - Marcel Kolb
8. Lieutenant Governor's
FTR - Andy Webber; TR - Barry Langille
9. Grand Aggregate
FTR (HPS - 756) - Ken Ferguson - 732
TR (HPS - 630) - Ray Smeltzer - 622/56V
FO (HPS - 756) - Marius deChamplain - 752