The Annual Prize Meet of the RNBRA-FULLBORE SECTION will be held on July 18 and 19, 2015 on the Batouche Range at CFB Gagetown.
Changes may be made to this schedule before the APM is fired.
Please check here before you come to the APM.
Google Map Link: Batouche Range in CFB Gagetown
PLACES TO STAY: There are many motels in and around Fredericton. With convenient access to Oromocto is the Robin's Inn on the Vanier Highway toward Fredericton with the Blue Canoe just across the way (with a 24 hour restaurant).
REGISTRATION: The range gates will be open at 7:30 am on both days. Registration will take place at the range at 8:00 am
EVENT FEES: $110 for APM (Jr Members $55); One day fee is $55; Individual Matches may be entered on a space-available basis (see printed program for fees). You are encouraged to pre-register by contacting Match Director - Gordon Holloway and sending 1/2 the registration fee ($55).
MATCH DIRECTOR: Gordon Holloway -
Please send pre-registration fees to: Gordon Holloway
370 Broad Street
E3A 5M9
MATCH COMMITTEE: All shooting and scoring appeals must first be made to the Range Safety Officer on the firing line. If these cannot be resolved, an appeal may be directed to the Match Committee. The Match Committee will consist of a shooter from each province represented at the APM. New Brunswick - Bert deVink; Nova Scotia - Marcel Kolb; Prince Edward Island - Chuck Bachmanek; Quebec - Leo d'Amour.
ELECTRONIC TARGET MARKING: Electronic target marking will be used again this year during the APM. This will mean several adjustments at the firing point for shooters not used to e-scoring.
1. The electronic scoring system will only register bullets arriving at the target face above the speed of sound. This means that at 900m you need to either load the old Sierra 155gn bullet (No. 2155) to about 3000 fps or use one of the higher performance bullets (Berger 155.5gn, Lapua 155gn, new Sierra 155gn - No.2156, etc.). For .223 cal. either a 90 gn bullet is needed or an 80gn bullet loaded to 2750 to 3000 fps.
2. The system uses display panels at the firing line. Some will be provided but shooters should bring their own iPad, Smartphone or e-readers (WiFi compatible). Help will be available to get your devices set up and during the match assistance will be available should display problems arise.
3. Squadding will be 2 or 3 shooters per target. Squadding/target assignment will be done randomly and at the discretion of the Match Director. Shooters must have shot at least one match prior to the APM and must satisfy the Match Director that they have a long-range zero and are capable of shooting and scoring with two other shooters in a manner that is not disruptive to the other shooters.
4. Only 2 relays will be fired at each distance. If the attendance is greater than expected and a third relay is needed, the anticipated time schedule below will be adjusted and we will be shooting about an hour longer on Saturday and at least 1/2 hour longer on Sunday.
Range Gate Opened: 0730 hrs
Registration: 0800 hrs to 0830 hrs at RNBRA Trailer on Range
Range Safety Briefing, e-target briefing and set-up:
0830 hrs to 0900 hrs at the 300m firing point
MATCH #1: John Gibson Memorial Match - 2ss10 @ 300m
0900 hrs - 2 relays. 7minutes prep time plus 45 minutes for 3 shooters
MATCH #2a: T. Eric Snow (Prince of Wales First Stage) - 2ss7 @ 300m
1040 hrs - 2 relays. 7 minutes prep time plus 24 minutes for 3 shooters
LUNCH BREAK and FALLBACK to 500m range: 1140 hrs - break for one hour
MATCH #2b: G. Burge (Prince of Wales Second Stage) - 2ss10 @ 500m
1240 hrs - 2 relays. 7 minutes prep time plus 32 minutes for 3 shooters
MATCH #3a: Alban Emery First Stage - 2ss10 @ 500m
1400 hrs - 2 relays. 7 minutes prep time plus 32 minutes for 3 shooters
FALLBACK from 500m range to 600m range: approximately 1515 hrs
MATCH 3b: Alban Emery Second Stage - 2ss10 @ 600m
1540 hrs - 2 relays: 7 minutes prep time and 32 minutes for 3 shooters
Close Down Range for Saturday: approximately 1700 hrs
BANQUET at FREDERICTON INN - Fredericton South Side at top of Regent St. (Note Change)
1900 hrs - Directions will be available at the Range. Dress Casual. Order off Menu.
SUNDAY, JULY 19, 2015
Range Gate Opened: 0730 hrs
Registration for Sunday/Single match only shooters if any: 0730 hrs to 0800 hrs
Sunday RSO briefing; e-target briefing and squadding: 0810 hrs at 600m firing point
MATCH #4a: Al Lockett (Governor General First Stage) - 2ss10 @ 600m
0830 hrs - 2 relays. 7 minutes prep time plus 32 minutes for 3 shooters
FALLBACK from 600m range to 800m range: approx 0940 hrs
MATCH 2c: Prince of Wales - (Final Stage) - 2ss10 @ 800m
1010 hrs - 2 relays. 7 minutes prep time and 32 minutes for 3 shooters
MATCH 4b: Andy Gunther ( Governor General 2nd Stage) - 2ss10 @ 800
1125 hrs - 2 relays. 7 minutes prep time and 32 minutes for 3 shooters
LUNCH BREAK and FALLBACK to 900m: 1245hrs - break for one hour
MATCH 4c: Governor General Final Stage: 2ss10 @ 900m
1410 hrs - 2 relays. 7 minutes prep time and 32 minutes for 3 shooters
Final Statistics and Range Teardown:
1530 hrs - all shooters are asked to assist with range teardown
RESULTS Posted and Challenge Period:
1630 hrs - shooters have 15 minutes for the examination of results and to initiate challenges
AWARD Presentation on the Range: 1645 hrs at RNBRA Trailer
1. The range will be opened at 0730 hrs each day
2. Pre-registration is encouraged. Registration at the range will be at 0800 hrs sharp.
3. The first match on Saturday will begin at 0900 hrs following briefing. On Sunday the first match will start at 0830 sharp. Please be on time for your relay on each subsequent match.
4. Time scheduling is very tight and the RSO has been asked to keep to this schedule as closely as possible. YOUR ASSISTANCE WITH THIS EFFORT IS NEEDED - PLEASE BE READY TO SHOOT WHEN YOUR RELAY IS CALLED FORWARD.
5. Except when shooting, all rifles will have a chamber flag inserted into the breach OR MUST have the bolt removed.
6. Prior to removing a rifle from the firing point it must be cleared by your shooting partner and then by the Range Safety Officer.
7. There will be three classes of shooting - TR, FTR and F-OPEN. Prizes will be awarded if there are at least three entries in a class.
8. Ties will be broken by count back. Shoot-offs will be used to break ties in the overall aggregate of the Prince of Wales and the Governor General's matches only.
9. Competitors are advised to bring snacks and/or lunches as well as drinks to the range for each day as the lunch period will not be long enough to leave the range. Water will be provided at the range.
10. You will need 105 rounds to fire the entire APM - not including shoot-offs/practice shots.
10. You will need 105 rounds to fire the entire APM - not including shoot-offs/practice shots.
11. At the first match of each day only, practice shots will be allowed until you are on paper. After that only 2 sighter shots and the shots on record will be allowed.
12. Both F-Classes will shoot on the DCRA F-Class target (1/2 MOA center). The e-target system will be automatically adjusted for this and will revert back to traditional TR target faces.
13. At the 300m range, all shooters must raise their elevation 2MOA so that the sighting center is not shot out. Normal elevations will be applied at the 500m to 900m ranges.
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