DEDICATION of Annual Prize Meet 2015 to LEO d'AMOUR
The APM of 2015 is dedicated to Leo d'Amour from Laval, Quebec with the applause of all fullbore shooters in New Brunswick and the competitors at this year's APM. Leo has been a member of the RNBRA Fullbore Section for more than 35 years and has been a strong and faithful competitor in our APM for many of those years. Now, due to failing health, he is not at all certain he can continue to come to New Brunswick but states he will take one day at a time. The Fullbore Section is honoured to dedicate this APM to Leo and to nominate him for life membership in the RNBRA.
This from a web article: "For many rifle shooters the ultimate goal is perfection at long range. After years of rifle shooting my personal expertise ends at about 300 yards. After which my accuracy takes a drastic dive for the worst. Mr Leo D'Amour however smiles when I talk about distances of 300 yards. His expertise is perfection, at the ultimate 1000-yard mark. Mr.Leo D'Amour started competitive shooting in 1960. In 1971 he made the Canadian National Team. Years of practice and dedication to the sport have earned him the title of Master Shooter in Canada and High Master in the USA. This is the ultimate goal of many target shooters young and old. ![]()
"At 73 years of age it is the only sport that I can still kick a young guys butt", jokes Mr D'amour, with his usual friendly smile. In fact once again he has shown his marksmanship in wining the first time ever "F" Class World Championship shooting at a distance of 900 meters. "I have to use a scope now", says Mr. D'Amour with a smile. "I am not young as I used to be". The F Class competition is a class of long range international shooting, which allows the use of a scope on the rifle.
Mr Leo D'Amour has earned the respect of all international shooters, representing Canada, in countries like, Australia, New Zealand, England, South Africa, and the USA, taking home many trophies as proof of his expertise. Among his achievements he is a former president of the PQRA, as well as coach for the Canadian Palma and Bisley Team.
Mr Leo D'Amour has earned the respect of all international shooters, representing Canada, in countries like, Australia, New Zealand, England, South Africa, and the USA, taking home many trophies as proof of his expertise. Among his achievements he is a former president of the PQRA, as well as coach for the Canadian Palma and Bisley Team.
It is an honor for us at CTVSP to say that Mr. Leo D'Amour is a member at our range."
Many thanks go to Gordon Holloway, Vice-Chairman of the RNBRA Fullbore Section for all his hard work, even while in Australia, and excellent direction of the organizing committee. Thanks also are due to Don Coleman, Mike Lutes, Bert deVink, Conrad Leroux and Adam MacDonald.
Our thanks go to Marcel Kolb from Nova Scotia, Leo d'Amour from Quebec and Chuck Bachmanek from Prince Edward Island, for lending their expertise and sound judgement to several situations that required both to resolve. The Committee strongly recommends that methods be developed to resolve crossfire and other issues related to the e-target system before shooters sign their cards and leave the mound. If after-the-fact analysis of all shots are to be used to resolve crossfires etc. shooters should be aware of this rule before the match begins.
Our thanks also go to Adam MacDonald and Brandon Ogon for doing the myriad little things on computers and tablets to solve difficulties, to record shots and scores and to trace shots to try to resolve crossfires etc. We, who can only follow a trail of breadcrumbs and are lost when they disappear, marvel at the stuff they can do to keep us shooting - even when we have, with ignorant fingers pressed many wrong buttons and have royally mixed things up!
Shooters also came from all over New Brunswick - from the Bouctouche area, from Moncton, Sussex, Saint John, Grand Manan Island, Fredericton and points in between . . . . . and YES we had fun! Us older fellas even shot not too too badly but the newer shooters are sure nipping on our heels! One thing is sure - we keep learning new stuff every time we come out and this can only happen when we rub elbows with other good people dedicated to this wonderful sport.
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