Our thanks go to Chuck Bachmanek who, as President of PEIRA, was the match organizing committee chairman, the Match Director and Range Officer. He was a busy man and as a result could not shoot the match.
Thanks also go to Dale MacLeod, Jian Wu and Cole ? from PEI who worked hard to make this match a really good one. Thanks to Adam MacDonald for assisting with the e-target markers and keeping electronic things on the firing line in good order. Last, but not least, thanks to Mrs. Bachmanek for the wonderful banana bread and fruit on the range - this kept our stomachs from rumbling louder than the firing during the match!
On the first day of shooting the weather was overcast with good light and very little wind. Halfway through, it started raining lightly and this up picked towards the end of the first day. It stayed quite cool for July but this was not entirely unwelcome. The second day was about the same for temperature, although it became a little more muggy with the sun peeking out a time or two. Winds were much more brisk in the morning (10-15km/hr) but subsided as the day progressed. They were quite steady mostly from 11 o'clock. The shooting for both days reflects the good conditions.
On the evening of the first day, we all scrubbed up and wore our finest to attend a dinner at the Merchantman Pub in Charlottetown. We tried some new local beer, the food was great and the company was wonderful.
Wendy Horton 300:
TR: Michael Lutes - 50V7; FTR: Adam MacDonald - 50V6Sports Hall of Fame Member's Match 500:
TR: Marcel Kolb - 50V7; Ken Kyle: 50V6
Vesey's Seeds Ltd. Match 300:
George J. Rogers Match 500/600:
TR: Marcel Kolb - 100V15; FTR: Adam MacDonald - 98V12
Jones Memorial Match 300/500/600:
TR: Barry Langille - 150V20; FTR: Bert deVink - 148V12
MacDonald/Stewart Match 500/600:
TR: Marcel Kolb - 100V12; FTR: Adam MacDonald - 100V11
The All-Comer's Aggregate:
TR: Marcel Kolb - 350V47; FTR: Adam MacDonald - 347V41
The Grand Aggregate - TR Shooters:
Marcel Kolb - 500V66
Michael Lutes - 498V58
John Marshall - 497V39
Barry Langille - 493V57
Conrad Leroux - 452V21
Myron Ling - 321V4 (DNC)
The Grand Aggregate - FTR Shooters:
Adam MacDonald - 494V52
Bert deVink - 487V43
Paul Bastarache - 487V37
Ken Kyle - 479V47
Al Mutch - 469V37
Jian Wu - 468V32
Mark Clarke - 433V15
Dale MacLeod - 429V23 (DNC)
Tyler Nichol - 43V1 (DNC)
You may view the complete results and picture gallery here:
Back row L>R: Jian, Cole, Bert, Michael, Conrad, Marcel, Mark, Adam, Chuck
Front row L>R: John, Glenn, Dale, Paul, Ken, Gordon, Barry
Greetings from PEIRA - APM 2015. We hope to see you next year!
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