Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Atlantic High Power Rifle Committee Meeting Minutes 
Oct. 26, 2014, 10:00AM – 13.08PM 
Wandlyn Inn, Amherst, Nova Scotia
PEI – Dale MacLeod, Chuck Bachmanek, Glenn Craig 
NB – Mike Lutes (chair), Ron Surette, Don Coleman, Paul Bastrasche, JC Gautreau, Dan Chisholm 
NS – Wendy Reid (minutes), Andy Webber, John Marshall, Jeff Jenkins, Barry Langille, Bill Giles 

1.  Minutes: from Dec. 1, 2013 were reviewed and accepted. 

2.  Voting: 
After discussion it was decided that if a vote is required to make a decision at this committee meeting pertaining to inter-provincial Fullbore shooting, then each of the 3 provinces will have 3 votes each. If there are less than 3 people from a province, then that province can use proxy votes to make a total of 3 votes. This voting method will be used for the remainder of this meeting and for future meetings. 

3.  2015 Match Schedule:
 Inter-Maritime Match – June 20 – to be held in PEI. 
 British Team Match – June 21 – to be held in PEI. 
 Annual Prize Meet – NB – undecided at this time. 
 Annual Prize Meet – PEI – Sat. & Sun., July 25 & 26. 
 Annual Prize Meet – NS – Fri. to Sun., July 31 to Aug. 2. 
 F-Class Nationals &TR National Championship – Aug. 12-22, held at Connaught Range, ON 
 Atlantic Championship – Labour Day weekend – to be held in NS Sat. & Sun. ,Sept. 5 & 6 (2 full days, instead of spread over 3 days). 
 Mini Palma – Monday (Labour Day), Sept. 7 to be held in NS. 

Since the USA Mini-Palma team (12 shooters) wants to shoot at Bull Meadow Range in 2015 for the Mini Palma Match, it was decided to hold the Atlantic Championships at Bull Meadow Range also - all on Labour Day weekend. NB will relinquish their turn to hold the Atlantic Championships in 2015 and then the regular rotation of the event will continue with PEI holding the event in 2016. 

4. Mini Palma Match:
 John Marshall will be the Atlantic Canadian team coordinator in 2015.
 The results of the Atlantic Championships will be used as the selection process for the Mini-Palma Atlantic Canadian team in 2015. 
 51 rounds will be needed for the Mini-Palma match.
 A banquet will be held on the Sunday evening of the weekend. 

5. Fixed Date for Atlantic High Power Rifle Committee Meeting: 
In the future this meeting will be held the 3rd Sunday of October. 

6. Unsafe and Unsportsmanlike Conduct Incident at Atlantic Championship Match: 
The incident at the Atlantic Championship match, where a shooter demonstrated unsafe conduct on the rifle range and belligerent behavior towards the Range Safety Officer was discussed. Despite, a letter to the shooter requesting that the shooter apologize, take responsibility for his actions and give assurance that there would be no such behavior in the future; nothing was received from the shooter. Therefore the shooter will not be permitted to participate in NSRA shooting activities. NSRA will formally request PEIRA and RNBRA that the shooter not be permitted to participate in future interprovincial matches where NSRA members are present.
If the shooter eventually takes responsibility for his actions, apologizes and gives assurance of no such behavior in the future, then the situation will be re-examined at this meeting in subsequent years. 

7. Team Captain for Atlantic Team in Ottawa:
Jeff Jenkins will be the Team Captain for the 2015 Atlantic Team at the Canadian National Target Rifle competition. 

8. F-Class Targets:
It was decided to use DCRA F Class (super “V”) centres at all inter-provincial competitions, including the Atlantic Championships and Mini-Palma matches. The scoring will be adjusted for F Class shooters, where the new and smallest ring will be scored as a 5 as well as being used as a tie-breaker, designated as an X; the standard TR V ring will be scored as 5; the TR bull ring will be scored as 4; the TR Inner ring will be scored 3; the TR Magpie ring will be scored as 2; the TR Outer ring will be scored as 1. Each province will decide for their own competitions, if they will use the super “V “centres. 

9. Electronics Targets:
 NB plans on using electronic targets for all 2015 Fullbore / F Class competitions. 
 PEI plans to use electronic targets for the Inter-Maritime Match, the British Team Match and 
their APM. 

10. Atlantic Championship Trophies:
It was decided that the existing trophies used for the Atlantic Championships will be returned to their original owners, and new plaques will be purchased (15 plaques with about 60 name/year plates. There will be 5 plaques for each discipline, TR, F-TR and F-Open, along with carrying cases. The plaques will be engraved retroactively for past winners. The approximate cost of $1500 will be shared among the 3 provinces. There may also be sponsorship sought to aid in the cost. 

11. Pre-Registration:
As a way to share commitment among the match organizers and the shooters, 
 NS will have pre-registration for their APM and the Atlantic Championships. 
 PEI will have pre-registration for their APM. 
 NB will consider pre-registration. 

12. Meeting adjourned at 13:08. 

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